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    2011.10.08. 17:26   d_futurbi_consulting   -   írta: Janus Q

    Clima-GATE! The Global warming theory as hoax!

    Why is the weather acting so extreme around the world?

    The Government and mainstream media are hiding the fact that the extreme weather we are experiencing around the world is related to the BP gulf of Mexico Oil spill


    Read the full article :

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    No need to look to the future, such as Rosie the movies, but do it - every day - step by step, consistently and diligently!

    In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a space is roughly defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify every point within it. For example: a point on the unit circle in the plane can be specified by two Cartesian coordinates but one can make do with a single coordinate (the polar coordinate angle), so the circle is 1-dimensional even though it exists in the 2-dimensional plane. High-dimensional spaces occur in mathematics and the sciences for many reasons, frequently as configuration spaces such as in Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics. Ie: these are abstract spaces, independent of the actual space we live in. The state-space of quantum mechanics is an infinite-dimensional function space. Some physical theories are also by nature high-dimensional, such as the 4-dimensional general relativity and higher-dimensional string theories.

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